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Benchmarking Emanuel Medical Center in Swainsboro, GA against  

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Of the 1,993 hospitals in the Southern states, Emanuel Medical Center in Swainsboro, GA is one of just 10 that have a 5-star rating in each of cleanliness, communication about medicines, discharge information, nurse communication, quietness, and staff responsiveness (6 total).

Emanuel Medical Center has these rating standings among those 1,993 hospitals:

  • care-transition rating = 4 stars (108th-highest, tied)

  • cleanliness rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)

  • communication-about-medicines rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)

  • discharge-information rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)

  • doctor-communication rating = 4 stars (143rd-highest, tied)

  • nurse-communication rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)

  • overall patient rating = 3 stars (217th-lowest, tied)

  • quietness rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)

  • patient recommendation rating = 3 stars (354th-lowest, tied)

  • staff-responsiveness rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)


  1. in the Southern states. The Southern states are: TX OK AR LA TN MS KY AL WV MD DE VA NC SC GA FL. Except where noted, all data come from the Oct 28, 2020 update at Hospital Compare. Changes over one year compare to the Oct 2019 update. Changes over two years compare to the Oct 2018 update.
  2. have a 5-star rating in. Bigger sets are better. 5 stars is the best rating and 1 star is the worst. Refer to Survey of patients' experiences (HCAHPS) star ratings. Except where noted, all data come from the Oct 28, 2020 update at Hospital Compare. Changes over one year compare to the Oct 2019 update. Changes over two years compare to the Oct 2018 update.


Emanuel Medical Center in Swainsboro, GA is in Emanuel County, GA, is in the Southern states, provides emergency services, meets criteria for promoting interoperability of Electronic Health Records, is acute care, is government-owned (hospital district or authority), its emergency department volume is low, has a 5-star rating in each of cleanliness, communication about medicines, discharge information, nurse communication, quietness, and staff responsiveness (6 total), has a 4- or 5-star rating in each of care transition, cleanliness, communication about medicines, discharge information, doctor communication, nurse communication, quietness, and staff responsiveness (8 total), has at least a 3-star rating in each of care transition, cleanliness, communication about medicines, discharge information, doctor communication, nurse communication, overall patient rating, quietness, recommendation of hospital, and staff responsiveness (these 10 include the entire set), is better than the national infection benchmarks in C.diff., is better than the national patient-care averages in each of readmission, patient experience, and timeliness of care, is worse than the nationwide emergency department averages in both patients who left before being seen and arrival to discharge for psychiatrics, and is better than the nationwide emergency department averages in both admit decision to inpatient admission and arrival to discharge.


     Numeric values:
  • healthcare workers given influenza vaccination (85%)
  • patients who received appropriate care for severe sepsis and septic shock (73%)
  • patients who left the emergency department before being seen (2%)
  • care-transition rating (4 stars)
  • change in care-transition rating over one year (0 stars)
  • change in care-transition rating over two years (+1 star)
  • change in cleanliness rating over one year (0 stars)
  • change in cleanliness rating over two years (+1 star)
  • change in communication-about-medicines rating over one year (0 stars)
  • change in communication-about-medicines rating over two years (+1 star)
  • change in discharge-information rating over one year (+2 stars)
  • change in discharge-information rating over two years (0 stars)
  • change in doctor-communication rating over one year (0 stars)
  • change in doctor-communication rating over two years (-1 star)
  • change in nurse-communication rating over one year (+1 star)
  • change in nurse-communication rating over two years (+2 stars)
  • change in overall hospital rating over one year (+1 star)
  • change in overall hospital rating over two years (+1 star)
  • change in overall patient rating over one year (-1 star)
  • change in overall patient rating over two years (0 stars)
  • change in patient-recommendation rating over one year (0 stars)
  • change in patient-recommendation rating over two years (0 stars)
  • change in quietness rating over one year (0 stars)
  • change in quietness rating over two years (0 stars)
  • change in staff-responsiveness rating over one year (+1 star)
  • change in staff-responsiveness rating over two years (+1 star)
  • change in summary rating over one year (+1 star)
  • change in summary rating over two years (+1 star)
  • cleanliness rating (5 stars)
  • communication-about-medicines rating (5 stars)
  • discharge-information rating (5 stars)
  • doctor-communication rating (4 stars)
  • nurse-communication rating (5 stars)
  • overall hospital rating (5 stars)
  • overall patient rating (3 stars)
  • patient recommendation rating (3 stars)
  • quietness rating (5 stars)
  • staff-responsiveness rating (5 stars)
  • summary rating (5 stars)
  • median time from admit decision to time of departure from the emergency department for patients admitted to inpatient status (75 mins)
  • median time from emergency department arrival to emergency department departure for discharged patients (125 mins)
  • median time from emergency department arrival to emergency department departure for discharged psychiatric/mental health patients (357 mins)

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Of the 1,993 hospitals in the Southern states, Emanuel Medical Center in Swainsboro, GA is one of just 10 that have a 5-star rating in each of cleanliness, communication about medicines, discharge information, nurse communication, quietness, and staff responsiveness (6 total).
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