What's best overall, and among those like Emanuel Medical Center in Swainsboro, GA ?
Select Attributes
check all
check all stars (where the hospital is best-in-class)
care-transition rating
cleanliness rating
communication-about-medicines rating
discharge-information rating
doctor-communication rating
nurse-communication rating
quietness rating
staff-responsiveness rating
summary rating
overall hospital rating
overall patient rating
patient recommendation rating
healthcare workers given influenza vaccination
change in care-transition rating over two years
change in cleanliness rating over two years
change in communication-about-medicines rating over two years
change in discharge-information rating over one year
change in doctor-communication rating over two years
change in nurse-communication rating over one year
change in nurse-communication rating over two years
change in staff-responsiveness rating over one year
change in staff-responsiveness rating over two years
change in summary rating over one year
change in summary rating over two years
change in overall hospital rating over one year
change in overall hospital rating over two years
change in overall patient rating over one year
patients who left the emergency department before being seen
patients who received appropriate care for severe sepsis and septic shock
median time from emergency department arrival to emergency department departure for discharged patients
median time from emergency department arrival to emergency department departure for discharged psychiatric/mental health patients
median time from admit decision to time of departure from the emergency department for patients admitted to inpatient status
check all
check all stars (where the hospital is best-in-class)