Of the 1,993 hospitals in the Southern states,
Emanuel Medical Center in Swainsboro, GA is one of just 10 that have a 5-star rating in each of cleanliness, communication about medicines, discharge information, nurse communication, quietness, and staff responsiveness (6 total).
Emanuel Medical Center has these rating standings
among those 1,993 hospitals:
- care-transition rating = 4 stars (108th-highest, tied)
- cleanliness rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)
- communication-about-medicines rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)
- discharge-information rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)
- doctor-communication rating = 4 stars (143rd-highest, tied)
- nurse-communication rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)
- overall patient rating = 3 stars (217th-lowest, tied)
- quietness rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)
- patient recommendation rating = 3 stars (354th-lowest, tied)
- staff-responsiveness rating = 5 stars (the highest, tied)