Neighborhoods » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking 3650617-36119005902 in New Rochelle against
... has the 4th-most cholesterol screening among adults (83.1%) among the 15 New York neighborhoods in New Rochelle. (MORE)
... has the 4th-least current asthma among adults (10%) among the 15 New York neighborhoods in New Rochelle. (MORE)
Of the 15 New York neighborhoods in New Rochelle, 3650617-36119005902 in New Rochelle is one of the 5 that are better than the behavior-relevant statewide averages in each of obesity, smoking, binge drinking, lack of exercise, and sleep deprivation. (MORE)
... has the 5th-fewest adults with physical health not good for at least 14 days (10.7%) among the 15 New York neighborhoods in New Rochelle. (MORE)
... has the 4th-fewest adults with mental health not good for at least 14 days (9.9%) among the 15 New York neighborhoods in New Rochelle. (MORE)
... has the 5th-fewest adults with no leisure-time physical activity (23.6%) among the 15 New York neighborhoods in New Rochelle. (MORE)
... has the 5th-least lack of current health insurance among adults aged 18-64 (8.6%) among the 15 New York neighborhoods in New Rochelle. (MORE)
... has the 5th-fewest adults 65 or older who lost all their teeth (11.3%) among the 15 New York neighborhoods in New Rochelle. (MORE)
... has the 5th-most women 65 or older who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventive services (35%) among the 15 New York neighborhoods in New Rochelle. (MORE)
... is one of just 8 New York neighborhoods within 2 miles. (MORE)