Customer Success » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Yamia Solutions against
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Of the 161 customers that bought EveryDay CRM, Yamia Solutions is one of just 6 that are designated a most-successful HR-suite customer. (MORE)

Of the 139 customers that have had an upsell, Yamia Solutions is one of just 6 that are designated a most-successful HR-suite customer. (MORE)

Of the 128 customers that bought EveryDay Analytics, Yamia Solutions is one of just 5 that are designated a most-successful HR-suite customer. (MORE)

... has the 10th-highest customer health score - CHS (83) of the 128 customers that bought EveryDay Analytics. (MORE)

... has the highest rate of CRM monthly logins last quarter (19.3 per active user) of the 78 customers that use the sales automation feature. (MORE)

... has the highest NPS promoter rate (57%) among the 62 customers with at least a 40% NPS passive rate. (MORE)

... has the 10th-most Analytics user licenses (130) of the 101 customers that are large-sized businesses. (MORE)

Of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry, Yamia Solutions is one of just 6 that have bought each of EveryDay HR, EveryDay CRM, and EveryDay Analytics. (MORE)

... has the 5th-lowest NPS detractor rate (3%) among the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

... has the 8th-highest customer health score - CHS (83) of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-lowest NPS detractor rate (3%) among the 31 customers that have bought each of EveryDay HR, EveryDay CRM, and EveryDay Analytics. (MORE)

... has the fewest payroll errors over the last year (0) of the 30 customers that use the HR connector to Ceridian. (MORE)

... has the fewest payroll errors over the last year (0) of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

... has the highest rate of CRM monthly logins last quarter (19.3 per active user) of the 24 customers that are on the Gold CRM Support plan. (MORE)

... has the highest rate of CRM monthly logins last quarter (19.3 per active user) of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

Of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry, Yamia Solutions is one of just 8 that use the sales automation feature. (MORE)

... has the 9th-highest rate of Analytics monthly active users (MAU) last quarter (77.0%) among the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

... has the 7th-highest new-hire high-performer rate (21.1%) among the 28 customers whose Customer Success Manager is Olivia Gonzales. (MORE)

... has the highest services annual revenue ($7,700) of all the 20 customers that are tier 2 and are in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

... has the highest annual contract value (ACV) ($48,300) of the 18 customers that are tier 2 and have at most 18.4 weeks as a CRM customer. (MORE)

... has the 7th-highest new-hire high-performer rate (21.1%) among the 24 customers that have had an upsell and are in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

... has the 5th-highest new-hire high-performer rate (21.1%) among the 35 customers that are a first-year booking and are large-sized businesses. (MORE)

... has the shortest customer lifetime (18.4 weeks) of the 104 customers with at least 13 payroll deliveries over the last year (Yamia Solutions is at 16). (MORE)

... has the shortest time as an HR customer (12.9 weeks) of the 79 customers in the adopting stage. (MORE)

Of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry, Yamia Solutions is one of just 8 whose Customer Success Manager is Olivia Gonzales. (MORE)

... has the 9th-shortest customer lifetime (18.4 weeks) of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

Of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry, Yamia Solutions is one of just 6 that are on the Gold HR Support plan. (MORE)

Of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry, Yamia Solutions is one of just 7 that use the HR connector to Ceridian. (MORE)

Of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry, Yamia Solutions is one of just 4 that use the CRM connector to Zendesk. (MORE)

..., along with Youtags App, are the only two customers that use the CRM connector to Zendesk and whose Customer Success Manager is Olivia Gonzales. (MORE)

... has the 9th-shortest time as a CRM customer (18.4 weeks) of the 42 customers that are in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

... is the only one of 19 customers that are in the adopting stage and whose health category is green which also is in the Information Technology industry. (MORE)

... has the shortest time as an HR customer (12.9 weeks) of the 20 customers that are in the Information Technology industry and are large-sized businesses. (MORE)