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Benchmarking Store 361 in Laurel, MD against  

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... has the 5th-highest sell through rate (177.5%) among the 260 stores that are leased. (MORE) 
... has the highest sell through rate (177.5%) among the 215 stores with at least $1,117,450 in average inventory. (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-highest sell through rate (177.5%) among the 198 stores that were not remodeled within the past year. (MORE) 
... has the most unique customers (70,794) of all the 18 stores in district md2. Those 70,794 represent just 9.4% of the total across the 18 stores, whose average is 41,785, and just 0.33% among all stores.(MORE) 
... sold the most items (670,680) of all the 18 Maryland stores. Those 670,680 represent 12.0% of the total across the 18 stores, whose average is 309,840, and 0.43% among all stores.(MORE) 
... has the most sale transactions (74,520) of all the 18 stores in district md2. Those 74,520 represent just 8.8% of the total across the 18 stores, whose average is 47,100, and just 0.31% among all stores.(MORE) 
... has the highest total pharmacy sales ($1,444,225) of all the 18 stores in district md2. Those $1,444,225 represent 14.5% of the total across the 18 stores, whose average is $553,568, and 0.46% among all stores.(MORE) 
... has the highest total men's sales ($1,529,180) of all the 18 stores in district md2. Those $1,529,180 represent 11.3% of the total across the 18 stores, whose average is $749,638, and 0.48% among all stores.(MORE) 
... has the highest average sales per hour (69) of all the 18 stores in district md2. (MORE) 
... has the 2nd-highest total food sales ($1,444,225) of the 18 stores in district md2. Those $1,444,225 represent just 9.3% of the total across the 18 stores, whose average is $863,651, and 0.44% among all stores.(MORE) 
... has the 2nd-lowest rate of employee turnover (4%) among the 18 stores in district md2. (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-lowest stock turnover (17.2 days) of the 18 stores in district md2. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-highest store performance ranking (77th place) of the 18 stores in district md2. (MORE) 
... has the highest average number of items per sale (9) of the 18 stores in district md2. (MORE) 
... sold the 4th-most ($8,495,442) of the 18 stores in district md2. Those $8,495,442 represent just 7.6% of the total across the 18 stores, whose average is $6,175,404, and just 0.28% among all stores.(MORE) 
... has the 4th-shortest average wait time (2.8 mins) of the 18 stores in district md2. (MORE) 
... has the highest revenue per employee ($499,732) of the 47 stores with at least 17 employees and that are leased and have a diagonal floor plan. (MORE) 
... has the highest revenue per employee ($499,732) of the 9 stores in district md2 with at least 17 employees. (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-highest credit sales ($6,389,502) of the 18 stores in district md2. Those $6,389,502 represent just 7.3% of the total across the 18 stores, whose average is $4,854,178, and just 0.27% among all stores.(MORE) 
Of the 18 stores in district md2, Store 361 in Laurel, MD is one of just 4 that were not remodeled within the past year. (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-highest proportion of part-time to full-time employees (10.3%) among the 18 stores in district md2. (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-longest time since last remodeling (16 months) of the 18 stores in district md2. (MORE) 
Of the 18 stores in Maryland, Store 361 in Laurel, MD is one of the 5 that are a plaza store. (MORE) 

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