Stores » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Store 142 in East Orange, NJ against
Showing 19
... has the 5th-highest revenue per employee ($752,328) of the 140 Mid-Atlantic stores. (MORE)
... has the 4th-highest revenue per employee ($752,328) of the 123 stores that have an angular floor plan. (MORE)
Only Store 142 in East Orange, NJ has both so much revenue per employee ($752,328) and sold so many items (561,600). (MORE)
... has the highest average number of items per sale (10) of the 40 stores in district nj0. (MORE)
... has the 3rd-lowest inventory overage ($935) of the 40 stores in district nj0. Those $935 represent 0.26% of the total across the 40 stores, whose average is $9,151. . (MORE)
... has the 3rd-highest total men's sales ($1,504,655) of the 40 stores in district nj0. Those $1,504,655 represent 5.4% of the total across the 40 stores, whose average is $700,727, and 0.47% among all stores. . (MORE)
... has the 4th-fewest customer complaints (30) of the 40 stores in district nj0. Those 30 represent 1.3% of the total across the 40 stores, whose average is 59.8, and 0.1% among all stores. . (MORE)
... sold the 5th-most items (561,600) of the 40 stores in district nj0. Those 561,600 represent just 4.2% of the total across the 40 stores, whose average is 331,506, and just 0.36% among all stores. . (MORE)
... has the 4th-lowest total payroll ($2,248,320) of the 40 stores in district nj0. Those $2,248,320 represent 1.4% of the total across the 40 stores, whose average is $4,036,762, and 0.11% among all stores. . (MORE)
... has the highest store performance ranking (122nd place) of the 33 stores with at most a 4.7% proportion of part-time to full-time employees. (MORE)
... has the 3rd-lowest stock turnover (17.1 days) of the 28 stores that are a street store and have an angular floor plan. (MORE)
... has the 2nd-highest sell through rate (129%) among the 18 stores in New Jersey that were not remodeled within the past year. (MORE)
... has the 2nd-best gross-margins results compared to plan (176%) among the 15 stores in district nj0 that have an angular floor plan. (MORE)
... has the most loyalty program sign-ups (258) of all the 10 stores in district nj0 that are a street store. Those 258 represent just 14.4% of the total across the 10 stores, whose average is 179.7, and just 0.23% among all stores. . (MORE)
... has the 3rd-lowest average hourly wage ($8.30) of the 40 stores in district nj0. (MORE)
... has the fewest employees (10) of the 40 stores in district nj0. Those 10 represent 1.2% of the total across the 40 stores, whose average is 21.0, and 0.1% among all stores. . (MORE)
... has the lowest proportion of part-time to full-time employees (4.7%) among the 40 stores in district nj0. (MORE)
... has the 2nd-fewest staff employees (8) of the 40 stores in district nj0. Those 8 represent 1.1% of the total across the 40 stores, whose average is 19.0. . (MORE)
... has the lowest average employee tenure (5 months) of the 40 stores in district nj0. (MORE)