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What's best overall, and among those like Store 007 in Milford, MA ?

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customer complaints
inventory overage
items sold
payback period
sale transactions
stock turnover
total sales
unique customers
average customer spend
average sale amount
average wait time
loyalty program sign-ups
revenue per employee
sell through rate
store performance ranking
total children's sales
total food sales
total liquor sales
total men's sales
total pharmacy sales
total women's sales
average sales per hour
change in gross margins
change in inventory shrinkage
change in inventory turnover
change in total expenses
change in total sales
rate of employee turnover
sales per square foot
gross-margins results compared to plan
inventory-shrinkage results compared to plan
inventory-turnover results compared to plan
total-expenses results compared to plan
total-sales results compared to plan
average number of items per sale
elapsed time since last training activities
change in store sales during Internet campaigns

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