Stores » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Store 251 in Randolph, MA against
1 of 24
Store 251 in Randolph, MA has the 2nd-highest total pharmacy sales ($1,980,698) of all the 500 stores. Those $1,980,698 represent 0.63% of the total among all 500 stores, whose average is $624,519.
Store 419 in Little Falls, NJ is first with $2,136,665.
beat Store 159 in Rahway, NJ ($1,969,934), Store 270 in East Haven, CT ($1,890,125), Store 045 in Loxahatchee, FL ($1,872,698), and Store 201 in Fairborn, OH ($1,762,710), and 494 others, ending with Store 104 in Grove City, OH ($27,135).
beat Store 159 in Rahway, NJ ($1,969,934), Store 270 in East Haven, CT ($1,890,125), Store 045 in Loxahatchee, FL ($1,872,698), and Store 201 in Fairborn, OH ($1,762,710), and 494 others, ending with Store 104 in Grove City, OH ($27,135).
- total pharmacy sales. Higher values are better.
Store 251 in Randolph, MA is in zipcode 2368.0, is a street store, is company-owned, and has a geometric floor plan.
Global References
Numeric values:
- store performance ranking (4th place)
- total sales ($12,379,362)
- credit sales ($11,841,282)
- total women's sales ($3,070,082)
- total payroll ($2,312,892)
- total pharmacy sales ($1,980,698)
- total men's sales ($1,856,904)
- total children's sales ($1,856,904)
- total liquor sales ($1,856,904)
- average inventory ($1,052,949)
- revenue per employee ($1,031,614)
- total food sales ($990,349)
- inventory overage ($11,418)
- sales per square foot ($1,686)
- average customer spend ($202.60)
- average sale amount ($166.10)
- average hourly wage ($9.60)
- total-expenses results compared to plan (190%)
- inventory-turnover results compared to plan (179%)
- inventory-shrinkage results compared to plan (174%)
- total-sales results compared to plan (150%)
- gross-margins results compared to plan (106%)
- sell through rate (87.0%)
- change in store sales during Internet campaigns (+55%)
- change in total expenses (+25%)
- change in total sales (+23%)
- proportion of part-time to full-time employees (10.6%)
- change in inventory shrinkage (+8%)
- change in gross margins (+8%)
- rate of employee turnover (4%)
- change in inventory turnover (-5%)
- average number of items per sale (4)
- average sales per hour (69)
- items sold (298,080)
- loyalty program sign-ups (159)
- sale transactions (74,520)
- unique customers (61,104)
- average wait time (7.7 mins)
- customer complaints (63)
- elapsed time since last training activities (5 months)
- payback period (65 months)
- stock turnover (10.6 days)
- assistant managers or supervisors (3)
- average employee tenure (5 months)
- employees (12)
- staff employees (9)
- store area (7,319 sq ft)
- store manager tenure (14 months)
- time in operation (32 months)
- time since last remodeling (20 months)
Global References