Neighborhoods » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking 0616532-06059063907 in Costa Mesa against
... has the 3rd-fewest adults with physical health not good for at least 14 days (7.1%) among the 119 California neighborhoods within 5 miles. (MORE)
... has the fewest adults with no leisure-time physical activity (11.4%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the most women 65 or older who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventive services (37.6%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the fewest adults 65 or older who lost all their teeth (5.2%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the most mammography use among women aged 50-74 (81.2%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the least current asthma among adults (7.3%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the fewest adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (3%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the least current smoking among adults (9.4%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the fewest adults with mental health not good for at least 14 days (8.8%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the least adult obesity (17.4%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the fewest adults with physical health not good for at least 14 days (7.1%) among all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the least stroke among adults (1.5%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the least chronic kidney disease among adults (1.8%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 2nd-least diagnosed diabetes among adults (5.8%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 2nd-most adults who visit a dentist or dental clinic (76.2%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 2nd-least arthritis among adults (12.7%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 2nd-most fecal occult blood test sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy among adults aged 50-75 (73.9%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 2nd-most men 65 or older who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventive services (45.2%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 2nd-least coronary heart disease among adults (3.2%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 3rd-least lack of current health insurance among adults aged 18-64 (6.4%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 4th-least high-cholesterol among adults who have been screened in the past 5 years (27.3%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 3rd-least high blood pressure among adults (18.9%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the 6th-fewest adults who sleep less than 7 hours (30.4%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
... has the most men 65 or older who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventive services (45.2%) among all the 19 California neighborhoods within 2 miles. (MORE)
... has the 9th-least cancer (excluding skin cancer) among adults (4.6%) among the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)
Of the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa, 0616532-06059063907 in Costa Mesa is one of the 10 that are better than the cholesterol-relevant statewide averages in each of cholesterol screening, coronary heart disease, and high cholesterol that persists after screening. (MORE)
... has the highest population (6,994) of all the 26 California neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. (MORE)