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Benchmarking Prowers County in CO against  

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... has the 5th-lowest median rent for a 3-bedroom unit ($891) of the 64 Colorado counties. (MORE) 
In the Rocky Mountains with its 216 counties, Prowers County in CO has the highest Hispanic population (35.2%) among the 194 counties (from those 216) with as high a white non-Hispanic population (62.7%). (MORE) 
... has the 8th-highest Mexican-born population (8.7%) among the 64 Colorado counties. (MORE) 
... has the 8th-highest Caribbean-born population (8.7%) among the 64 Colorado counties. (MORE) 
... has the 7th-fewest Southern Baptists (0.64%) among the 64 Colorado counties. (MORE) 
... has the most non-English speaking households (11.4%) among the 21 counties with at least 133.8 gallons/day of total domestic water use per capita and that are in the Rocky Mountains and are economically non-specialized. (MORE) 

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