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Benchmarking Collin County in TX against noteworthy groups of counties

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... has the 11th-biggest rise in population from 2010-2015 (+16.8%) among the 379 Southwest counties. (MORE) 
... has the biggest jump in population from 2010-2015 (+16.8%) among the 57 counties with at least 914,127 in population in 2015. (MORE) 
... has the 9th-biggest rise in population from 2010-2015 (+16.8%) among the 66 counties in the Southwest that are high in creative professions. (MORE) 
... has the 8th-highest population in 2015 (914,127) of the 243 counties that improved or maxed out on all the population and employment change metrics (5 of these; each county needs at least 4 with actual values to qualify). Those 914,127 represent 2.2% of the total across the 243 counties, whose average is 168,378, and 0.28% among all counties.(MORE) 
... has the 5th-biggest rise in population from 2010-2015 due to net inbound migration (+11.5%) among the 191 counties in the Southwest that are not high in natural amenities. (MORE) 
... has the biggest jump in population from 2010-2015 due to net inbound migration (+11.5%) among the 57 counties with at least 914,127 in population in 2015. (MORE) 

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