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Benchmarking Little River County in AR against  

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Of all the 2,330 counties that are not high in natural amenities, only Little River County in AR has both as high a per-capita income ($20,073) and such a low median rent for a 3-bedroom unit ($764). (MORE) 
... has the 5th-fewest total arrests per thousand residents for all offenses of the 75 Arkansas counties. (MORE) 
Only Little River County in AR has both as high a median household income ($37,691) and such a low median rent for a 3-bedroom unit ($764). (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-lowest median rent for a 3-bedroom unit ($764) of the 2,435 counties that don't have decades-long substantial child poverty. (MORE) 
... has the 2nd-lowest median rent for a 3-bedroom unit ($764) of the 2,314 counties that are not high in poverty. (MORE) 
... has the lowest median rent for a 1-bedroom unit ($460) of the 1,167 counties that are as urbanized. (MORE) 
... has the lowest median rent for a 1-bedroom unit ($460) of all the 1,167 counties that contain a high-density urban area. (MORE) 
... has the 9th-fewest arrests per thousand residents for Part I property offenses of the 248 counties in the Southern states that are manufacturing-dependent. (MORE) 
Of the 75 counties in Arkansas, Little River County in AR is one of just 4 that are better than the nationwide averages in each of change over 4 years in overall obesity, change over 4 years in male obesity, and change over 4 years in female obesity. (MORE) 
... has the 5th-lowest unemployment rate for veterans (1.3%) among the 75 Arkansas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 6th-lowest median rent for a 0-bedroom (studio/efficiency) unit ($435) of the 75 Arkansas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 8th-fewest arrests per thousand residents for Part I offenses of the 75 Arkansas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 9th-fewest arrests per thousand residents for Part I property offenses of the 75 Arkansas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-fewest arrests per thousand residents for Part I property offenses of the 155 counties that contain a high-density urban area and are manufacturing-dependent. (MORE) 
... has the 6th-least female obesity (32.7%) among the 53 counties in Arkansas that are not high in natural amenities. (MORE) 
... has the fewest arrests per thousand residents for Part I offenses of the 150 counties with at least 532.3 sq miles in land area and that are in the Southeast, don't have decades-long substantial child poverty, and don't have low employment. (MORE) 
In Arkansas with its 75 counties, only Little River County in AR has both as high a median household income ($37,691) and such a low median rent for a 1-bedroom unit ($460). (MORE) 
... is the only one of 20 Arkansas counties that contain a high-density urban area which also is better than the nationwide averages in each of change over 4 years in overall obesity, change over 4 years in male obesity, and change over 4 years in female obesity. (MORE) 
... has the fewest adults of age 25+ with no high school diploma or GED (14.9%) among all the 19 counties in Arkansas that are manufacturing-dependent. (MORE) 
... has the most residents employed in government (11.8%) among all the 75 Arkansas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-least land area (532.3 sq miles) of the 75 Arkansas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 7th-highest Native American non-Hispanic population (1.4%) among the 75 Arkansas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 12th-most owner-occupied housing (77.4%) among the 75 Arkansas counties. (MORE) 
In Arkansas with its 75 counties, Little River County in AR has the fewest residents employed in agriculture or other resource-based industries (1.9%) among the 26 counties (from those 75) with at most 15,767 in population in 2015 (Little River County in AR is at 12,472). (MORE) 
In Arkansas with its 75 counties, Little River County in AR has the fewest Catholics (0.65%) among the 20 counties (from those 75) with at least a 1.9% multi-racial population (Little River County in AR is at 2.0%). (MORE) 

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