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Benchmarking Kennebec County in ME against noteworthy groups of counties

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... has the biggest drop in unemployment rate over the last 8 years (-0.4%) among the 281 counties in the East Coast states that are high in creative professions. (MORE) 
... has the 9th-biggest drop in unemployment rate over the last 8 years (-0.4%) among the 67 New England counties. (MORE) 
... has the most adults of age 25+ with less than a bachelors degree (76.2%) among the 692 counties with at least 23.9% of adults of age 25+ with a bachelors degree or higher and that don't have decades-long substantial child poverty and haven't lost population in the decade between the last two censuses. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-biggest rise in median rent for a 1-bedroom unit over the last decade (+43.0%) among the 67 New England counties. (MORE) 
... has the biggest jump in median rent for a 0-bedroom (studio/efficiency) unit over the last decade (+62.0%) among all the 16 Maine counties. (MORE) 
... has the biggest jump in median rent for a 1-bedroom unit over the last decade (+43.0%) among all the 16 Maine counties. (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-biggest rise over 9 years in the prevalence of diabetes (+3.2%) among the 16 Maine counties. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-biggest rise in median rent for a 3-bedroom unit over the last decade (+37.0%) among the 16 Maine counties. (MORE) 
... has the 5th-biggest rise over 9 years in the prevalence of diabetes (+3.2%) among the 33 counties in New England that don't contain a high-density urban area. (MORE) 
In New England with its 67 counties, Kennebec County in ME has the smallest rise over 4 years in the prevalence of female obesity (+2.8%) among the 17 counties (from those 67) with at least 28.8% of female obesity (Kennebec County in ME is at 30.9%). (MORE) 

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