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Who's best overall, and among those like Fort Bend County in TX ?

Select Attributes

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check all stars (where the county is best-in-class)

deep-poverty rate
female obesity
male obesity
per-capita income
poverty rate
unemployment rate
median household income
residents who have diabetes
unemployment rate for veterans
change in population from 2010-2015
deep-poverty rate for children age 0-17
median rent for a 1-bedroom unit
median rent for a 3-bedroom unit
poverty rate for children age 0-17
median rent for a 0-bedroom (studio/efficiency) unit
adults of age 25+ with no college credits
change in unemployment rate over the last 4 years
change in unemployment rate over the last 8 years
change over 4 years in the prevalence of obesity
change over 9 years in the prevalence of diabetes
change, relative to its home state, in per-capita income
adults of age 25+ with a bachelors degree or higher
adults of age 25+ with less than a bachelors degree
adults of age 25+ with less than an associate degree
change in population from 2010-2015 due to net inbound migration
change in population from 2010-2015 due to net international immigration
change over 4 years in the prevalence of female obesity
change over 4 years in the prevalence of male obesity
change, relative to its home state, in the poverty rate
adults of age 25+ with no high school diploma or GED
change in median rent for a 1-bedroom unit over the last decade
change in median rent for a 3-bedroom unit over the last decade
change, relative to its home state, in the net inbound migration rate
change in median rent for a 0-bedroom (studio/efficiency) unit over the last decade

check all
check all stars (where the county is best-in-class)

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