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Benchmarking Winkler County, Texas against
Showing 7

... has the least population age 25+ with an Associate Degree or higher (16.82%) among the 244 counties with at least 99.24% of youth who live within 5 miles of a public school (Winkler County, Texas is at 99.53%). (MORE)

... has the 12th-most car crash fatalities per 100,000 population (31.89) of the 254 Texas counties. (MORE)

... has the 11th-most population without health insurance (25.09%) among the 103 counties in the Southwest that are rural high-performing. (MORE)

... has the 6th-fewest 4th-grade students who are proficient in English Language Arts (51.37%) among the 80 counties in Texas that are rural high-performing. (MORE)

In Texas with its 254 counties, Winkler County, Texas has the most homicides per 100,000 population (7.660) of the 66 counties (from those 254) with at least 1.280 first responders per 1,000 population (Winkler County, Texas is at 1.290). (MORE)

... has the most car crash fatalities per 100,000 population (31.89) of the 18 counties with at least 83.41% of the population living close to emergency facilities (Winkler County, Texas is at 89.86%). (MORE)

In Texas with its 254 counties, Winkler County, Texas has the highest civilian labor-force unemployment (7.9%) among the 33 counties (from those 254) with at least a 13.15% new-business growth rate (Winkler County, Texas is at 20.89%). (MORE)