Counties » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Harding County, New Mexico against
Showing 16

... has the 2nd-lowest poverty rate (10.44%) among the 33 New Mexico counties. (MORE)

... has the 4th-fewest days per month that adults self-report 'not good' mental health (3.55) of the 33 New Mexico counties. (MORE)

... has the 8th-lowest population (692) of the 3,106 counties that are better than the nationwide crime averages in each of . (MORE)

... has the 4th-lowest population (692) of the 877 counties that are better than the nationwide household averages in each of homeownership, overcrowding, and housing costs. (MORE)

... has the 5th-lowest population (692) of the 757 counties that are better than the nationwide public-safety averages in each of drinking water, airborne cancer risk, air quality, and flood hazard. (MORE)

... has the lowest population (692) of all the 441 counties that are better than the nationwide adult-disease averages in each of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. (MORE)

... has the lowest risk of developing serious respiratory complications per 10,000 in population (0.33) of all the 379 Southwest counties. (MORE)

... has the lowest relative disparity in unemployment rates among the disabled, compared to the total population (0.48%) among all the 33 New Mexico counties. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-fewest adults of age 18+ who smoke tobacco (13.01%) among the 33 New Mexico counties. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-most racial integration (51.00%) among the 33 New Mexico counties. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-least population without health insurance (7.80%) among the 33 New Mexico counties. (MORE)

... has the highest homeownership rate (83.1%) among the 15 counties with at most 692 in population. (MORE)

... has the 9th-highest per-capita spending on police and fire protection ($1,829) of all the 3,142 counties. (MORE)

... has the 6th-most public-school spending per student ($56,975) of all the 3,142 counties. (MORE)

... has the 5th-lowest population (692) of the 448 counties in the Western states. (MORE)

... has the 5th-lowest population (692) of the 379 Southwest counties. (MORE)