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Benchmarking Charles County, Maryland against  

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... has the most violent crimes per 100,000 population (421.52) of the 25 counties with as high a median household income ($90,607). (MORE) 
... has the 4th-most adult obesity (35.50%) among the 24 Maryland counties. (MORE) 
... has the 6th-most workers who commute 60 minutes or more (30.93%) among all the 3,142 counties. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-least population living close to emergency facilities (15.44%) among the 178 Mid-Atlantic counties. (MORE) 
In the Mid Atlantic with its 178 counties, Charles County, Maryland has the most adult diabetes (10.9%) among the 106 counties (from those 178) with at least a 7.9 food environment index (Charles County, Maryland is at 8.1). (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-most population without nearby access to a large grocery store (36.89%) among the 24 Maryland counties. (MORE) 
... has the most households where housing costs (mortgage or rent and utilities) exceed 30% of household income (35.08%) among the 64 counties with at least a 77.7% homeownership rate and that are in the Southern states and are urban high-performing. (MORE) 
... has the highest relative disparity in poverty rates among blacks and hispanics, compared to whites (0.13) of the 15 counties with at most a 0.03 relative disparity in Bachelor's degree among blacks and hispanics, compared to whites and that are on the East Coast and are urban high-performing. (MORE) 

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