Counties » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Nome Census Area, Alaska against
Showing 12

... has the most adults of age 18+ who smoke tobacco (32.80%) among the 560 counties with at most 21.23% of heart disease among older adults (Nome Census Area, Alaska is at 16.72%). (MORE)

... has the 2nd-highest poverty rate (27.01%) among the 29 Alaska counties. (MORE)

... has the most adults who self-report fair or poor general health within the last 30 days (25.06%) among all the 29 Alaska counties. (MORE)

... has the most days per month that adults self-report 'not good' mental health (4.69) of all the 29 Alaska counties. (MORE)

... has the 5th-most overcrowded households (29.16%) among all the 3,142 counties. (MORE)

... has the 10th-most adults of age 18+ who smoke tobacco (32.80%) among all the 3,142 counties. (MORE)

... has the most deaths due to drug overdose, alcohol, or suicide per 100,000 population (107.55) of the 1,272 counties with at least 56.26 primary-care doctors per 100,000 population (Nome Census Area, Alaska is at 71.30). (MORE)

... has the highest civilian labor-force unemployment (12.5%) among the 970 counties with at least 63.28% of labor-force participation (Nome Census Area, Alaska is at 63.96%). (MORE)

... has the 7th-fewest households with utility gas or electric for home heating (2.06%) among the 448 counties in the Western states. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-fewest 4th-grade students who are proficient in English Language Arts (7.92%) among the 184 Far West counties. (MORE)

... has the most adults who don't eat enough daily fruits & vegetables (88.90%) among all the 184 Far West counties. (MORE)

..., along with Skagway Municipality, Alaska, are the only two counties out of 29 in Alaska that are worse than the nationwide household averages in each of homeownership, overcrowding, internet access, housing costs, and home heating. (MORE)