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Benchmarking Logan County, West Virginia against  

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Logan County, West Virginia has the 11th-most land area covered by tree canopy, weighted by population (75.79%) among the 812 counties that are urban up-and-coming. That 75.79% compares to an average of 39.23% and standard deviation of 19.30% across those 812 counties.

Logan County, West Virginia has these related standings among those 812 peer counties:

  • land area covered by tree canopy, weighted by population = 75.79% (11th-most)

  • households in a FEMA-designated flood hazard area = 24.74% (29th-most)

  • very-hot days per year = 8 (296th-most, tied)

  • risk of developing serious respiratory complications per 10,000 in population = 1.58 (307th-lowest, tied)

  • airborne cancer risk per million in population = 34.68 (141st-lowest)

  • unsafe drinking water exposure = 0.00% (the least, tied)




Taking Action

Insert recommendations for community action or improvement, based on the highlighted measures and their comparative outcomes, and optionally dependent on a specified geography or other attribute.


  1. land area covered by tree canopy, weighted by population. Higher values are better. Source is Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium; NLCD USFS 2011.


Logan County, West Virginia is in West Virginia, is in the Southern states, is urban up-and-coming, is worse than the nationwide crime averages in each of homicides, property crime, and violent crime, is worse than the nationwide employment averages in each of labor-force participation, civilian unemployment, job variety, job proximity, and new-business growth rate, is better than the nationwide household averages in each of homeownership, overcrowding, housing costs, and home heating, is worse than the nationwide adult-disease averages in each of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, is better than the nationwide public-safety averages in each of drinking water, airborne cancer risk, and air quality, and is better than the nationwide black/hispanic disparity averages in each of college education, poverty, pollution exposure, and premature death.


     Numeric values:
  • median household income ($36,763)
  • public-school spending per student ($11,582)
  • average weekly wage ($750.00)
  • per-capita spending on police and fire protection ($181.89)
  • households with utility gas or electric for home heating (95.50%)
  • youth who live within 5 miles of a public school (90.61%)
  • adults who don't eat enough daily fruits & vegetables (87.10%)
  • high-school graduation rate (85.00%)
  • homeownership rate (75.9%)
  • land area covered by tree canopy, weighted by population (75.79%)
  • households with internet access (64.09%)
  • labor-force participation (45.41%)
  • racial integration (43.00%)
  • adult obesity (41.00%)
  • 4th-grade students who are proficient in English Language Arts (40.00%)
  • pre-school enrollment (37.06%)
  • heart disease among older adults (35.95%)
  • adults who did NOT take part in leisure-time physical activity or exercise in the past month (33.00%)
  • adults who self-report fair or poor general health within the last 30 days (26.76%)
  • adults of age 18+ who smoke tobacco (26.16%)
  • households in a FEMA-designated flood hazard area (24.74%)
  • older adults (Medicare beneficiaries) who are diagnosed with depression (23.58%)
  • households where housing costs (mortgage or rent and utilities) exceed 30% of household income (21.81%)
  • poverty rate (19.67%)
  • population living close to emergency facilities (19.60%)
  • population age 25+ with an Associate Degree or higher (15.67%)
  • adult diabetes (15.3%)
  • population without health insurance (13.43%)
  • households with no vehicle (10.86%)
  • teenage birth rate (10.77%)
  • newborns with low birth weight (10.50%)
  • civilian labor-force unemployment (10.1%)
  • workers who commute 60 minutes or more (9.29%)
  • change in median household value (+8.03%)
  • population without nearby access to a large grocery store (7.35%)
  • new-business growth rate (6.58%)
  • cancer among older adults (6.12%)
  • youth of ages 16-19 who are neither working nor enrolled in school (3.78%)
  • vacant houses (3.47%)
  • households that receive public-assistance income (1.85%)
  • overcrowded households (1.14%)
  • relative disparity in unemployment rates among the disabled, compared to the total population (0.58%)
  • tax returns that claim adult education tax credits (0.00%)
  • unsafe drinking water exposure (0.00%)
  • affordable housing relative to low-income population (-71.98)
  • food environment index (7.2)
  • jobs within a 45-minute commute by car (2,474)
  • local food outlets per 100,000 in population (2.8)
  • nonprofits per 100,000 population (16.1)
  • variety of industries among available jobs (0.39)
  • walkability index (4.75)
  • airborne cancer risk per million in population (34.68)
  • car crash fatalities per 100,000 population (34.00)
  • days per month that adults self-report 'not good' mental health (5.42)
  • deaths due to drug overdose, alcohol, or suicide per 100,000 population (81.69)
  • homicides per 100,000 population (7.930)
  • preventable hospital admissions per 100,000 population (11,386)
  • property crimes per 100,000 population (2,184)
  • relative disparity in Bachelor's degree among blacks and hispanics, compared to whites (0.15)
  • relative disparity in income among blacks and hispanics, compared to whites (0.45)
  • relative disparity in pollution exposure among blacks, hispanics, and other, compared to whites (2.36)
  • relative disparity in poverty rates among blacks and hispanics, compared to whites (0.04)
  • relative disparity in premature death among blacks and hispanics, compared to whites (0.01)
  • risk of developing serious respiratory complications per 10,000 in population (1.58)
  • very-hot days per year (8)
  • violent crimes per 100,000 population (437.99)
  • CMS-certified beds within active hospitals per 1,000 population (3.81)
  • first responders per 1,000 population (0.700)
  • population (32,925)
  • primary-care doctors per 100,000 population (48.09)

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Logan County, West Virginia has the 11th-most land area covered by tree canopy, weighted by population (75.79%) among the 812 counties that are urban up-and-coming. That 75.79% compares to an average of 39.23% and standard deviation of 19.30% across those 812 counties.
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