Plans » Benchmarking Engine
... has the highest net income ($137,871,244) of the 1,043 plans with at most $407,375,685 in total assets. (MORE)

... has the highest average participant cash contribution per active participant ($17,032) of the 661 plans with at least 4,098 active participants. (MORE)

... has the 4th-highest net income ($137,871,244) of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

... has the 6th-highest average participant cash contribution per active participant ($17,032) of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

Of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians, Southern California Permanente Medical Group Tax Savings Retirement Plan in Oakland, CA is one of just 8 that are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per total participant, active-participant contributions per head, and total administrative expense per participant. (MORE)

Of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians, Southern California Permanente Medical Group Tax Savings Retirement Plan in Oakland, CA is one of just 9 that are better than the overall plan medians in each of total income, net income, participant loans as a percentage of plan assets, and diversity of asset types (4 total). (MORE)

... has the highest total income ($198,473,201) of all the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

Of the 27 California plans that are not self-administered by the plan sponsor, Southern California Permanente Medical Group Tax Savings Retirement Plan in Oakland, CA is one of just 4 that are better than the overall plan medians in each of total income, net income, participant loans as a percentage of plan assets, and diversity of asset types (4 total). (MORE)

... has the 9th-most total participants (4,877) of the 32 plans in the Far West that don't provide for automatic enrollment and are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per total participant, active-participant contributions per head, and total administrative expense per participant. (MORE)

... has the most in cash contributions from participants ($69,798,492) of the 1,132 plans with at most $427,923,957 in total assets (Southern California Permanente Medical Group Tax Savings Retirement Plan is at $407,375,685). (MORE)

... has the 9th-most active participants (4,098) of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

... has the least net assets (assets minus liabilities) ($407.40M) of the 37 plans with at least $63,897,990 in cash contributions from participants (Southern California Permanente Medical Group Tax Savings Retirement Plan is at $69,798,492). (MORE)

... has the most in cash contributions from participants ($69,798,492) of the 1,403 plans with at most 4,906 living participants (Southern California Permanente Medical Group Tax Savings Retirement Plan is at 4,866). (MORE)

... has the 3rd-least in cash contributions from employers ($409,285) of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

... has the least in cash contributions from employers ($409,285) of all the 26 plans that are not self-administered by the plan sponsor and whose economic sector is Health Care and Social Assistance. (MORE)

... is the only one of 87 plans within 50 miles whose economic sector is Health Care and Social Assistance. (MORE)