Plans » Benchmarking Engine
... has the lowest average account balance ($83,530) of the 395 plans with at least $27,430 in net income per total participant (Southern California Permanente Medical Group Tax Savings Retirement Plan is at $28,270). (MORE)

... has the 3rd-lowest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($99.90) of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

... has the 7th-lowest average account balance ($83,530) of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

... has the 8th-lowest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($99.90) of the 124 plans in California that have 1,000 to 4,999 total participants. (MORE)

... has the 5th-highest other administrative expenses ($424,547) of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

... has the 11th-highest corrective distributions ($33,951) of the 70 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

... incurs the 9th-highest total administrative expenses ($424,547) of the 39 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians and don't provide for automatic enrollment. (MORE)

... has the highest total administrative expense ratio (0.100%) among the 29 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians and have at most $87.05 in total administrative expense per participant. (MORE)

Of the 35 plans in the Far West that don't provide for automatic enrollment and have 1,000 to 4,999 total participants and have at most $407,375,685 in total assets, Southern California Permanente Medical Group Tax Savings Retirement Plan in Oakland, CA is one of just 7 that are higher than the overall administrative medians in each of other administrative expenses, total administrative expenses, and total administrative expense ratio. (MORE)