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... has the 6th-highest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($8,518) of the 39 plans that are multiemployer. (MORE) 
... has the 12th-most in other receivables (not employer nor participant contributions) ($854,134) of the 821 plans that are ERISA section 404(c) and don't provide for automatic enrollment. (MORE) 
... has the 10th-most total noninterest-bearing cash ($198,351) of the 201 plans that are collectively-bargained and have 1,000 to 4,999 total participants. (MORE) 
... has the 7th-most in other receivables (not employer nor participant contributions) ($854,134) of the 76 plans whose economic sector is Construction. (MORE) 
... has the 10th-most in receivables - participant contributions ($759,106) of the 76 plans whose economic sector is Construction. (MORE) 
... has the 8th-most in participant loans ($6,356,263) of the 39 plans that are multiemployer. (MORE) 
... has the 8th-least total cash as a percentage of plan assets (0.04%) among the 39 plans that are multiemployer. (MORE) 
Of the 211 plans in California, Northern California Pipe Trades Supplemental 401(K) Retirement Plan in Concord, CA is one of just 8 that are a multiemployer plan. (MORE) 

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