Plans » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Western Alliance Bancorporation 401(K) Plan in Phoenix, AZ against
... has the 12th-highest yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets (21.16%) among the 1,298 plans that have 1,000 to 4,999 total participants. (MORE)

... has the 11th-highest yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets (21.16%) among the 1,248 plans that provide for automatic enrollment. (MORE)

... has the 12th-highest yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets (21.16%) among the 1,258 plans that are ERISA section 404(c) and don't provide participant-directed brokerage accounts as investment options. (MORE)

... has the 6th-highest yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets (21.16%) among the 277 plans whose economic sector is Finance and Insurance. (MORE)

... has the 10th-highest net income ($91,939,472) of the 63 plans whose industry group is Depository Credit Intermediation. (MORE)

... has the 4th-highest net income ($91,939,472) of the 31 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

Of the 31 plans within 50 miles, Western Alliance Bancorporation 401(K) Plan in Phoenix, AZ is one of just 5 that are better than the overall plan medians in each of total income, net income, yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets, and diversity of asset types (4 total). (MORE)

... has the 7th-highest net income per total participant ($25,237) of the 31 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

Of the 31 plans within 50 miles, Western Alliance Bancorporation 401(K) Plan in Phoenix, AZ is one of the 8 that are lower than the overall administrative medians in each of other administrative expenses, total administrative expenses, and total administrative expense ratio. (MORE)

... incurs the 8th-lowest total administrative expenses ($145,833) of the 31 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 8th-highest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($4,210) of the 31 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 10th-lowest total administrative expense per participant ($40.03) of the 31 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 8th-most in total contributions ($64,670,440) of the 135 plans in the Southwest that have 1,000 to 4,999 total participants. (MORE)

... has the most in partnership/joint venture interests ($14,701) of all the 34 Arizona plans. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-most in employer-related securities investments ($27,628,050) of the 34 Arizona plans. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-most employer securities as a percentage of plan assets (9.20%) among the 34 Arizona plans. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-lowest total expenses ($17,334,652) of the 34 Arizona plans. (MORE)

Of the 34 plans in Arizona, Western Alliance Bancorporation 401(K) Plan in Phoenix, AZ is one of just 3 whose economic sector is Finance and Insurance. (MORE)