Plans » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking UMC 401(K) Plan in Sunnyvale, CA against
... has the 5th-highest average account balance ($295,902) of the 885 plans that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the 6th-highest net income per active participant ($97,223) of the 885 plans that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the 9th-highest average participant cash contribution per active participant ($20,747) of the 770 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... incurs the 8th-lowest total administrative expenses ($206) of the 440 California plans whose economic sector is Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the highest average participant cash contribution per active participant ($20,747) of all the 77 plans whose industry group is Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the highest net income per active participant ($97,223) of all the 77 plans whose industry group is Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-highest average account balance ($295,902) of the 77 plans whose industry group is Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-lowest total administrative expense ratio (0.001%) among the 77 plans whose industry group is Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing. (MORE)

... incurs the 4th-lowest total administrative expenses ($206) of the 77 plans whose industry group is Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the 4th-lowest total administrative expense per participant ($1.69) of the 77 plans whose industry group is Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing. (MORE)

Of the 77 plans whose industry group is Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing, UMC 401(K) Plan in Sunnyvale, CA is one of just 11 that are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per active participant, average account balance, active-participant contributions per head, employer contributions per active participant, and total administrative expense per participant (these 5 include the entire set). (MORE)

... has the lowest total administrative expense per participant ($1.69) of all the 22 plans in Sunnyvale, CA. (MORE)

... has the lowest total administrative expense ratio (0.001%) among all the 22 plans in Sunnyvale, CA. (MORE)

... incurs the lowest total administrative expenses ($206) of all the 22 plans in Sunnyvale, CA. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-fewest total participants (122) of the 77 plans whose industry group is Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-fewest active participants at the end of the plan year (58) of the 49 plans within 50 miles that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the 9th-most interest-bearing cash (e.g., money market accounts, certificates of deposit) ($4,497,780) of the 885 plans that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the 7th-most interest-bearing cash (e.g., money market accounts, certificates of deposit) ($4,497,780) of the 770 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)