Sales Organization » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Gavin Forsyth against
Showing 8

... has the highest proportion of existing accounts among total opportunities last quarter (21.0%) among the 83 salespeople with as high a ratio of new to existing opportunities last quarter (3.8). (MORE)

... has the lowest ratio of new to existing opportunities last quarter (3.8) of the 83 salespeople with as high a proportion of new accounts among total opportunities last quarter (79.0%). (MORE)

... has the shortest average cycle time for lost deals last quarter (0 weeks) of the 84 salespeople whose sales territory is Central. (MORE)

... has the shortest average cycle time for lost deals last quarter (0 weeks) of the 83 salespeople that are managed by Ray West. (MORE)

... has the most sales target last quarter ($200,000) of the 53 salespeople in Canada that do outside sales. Those $200,000 represent just 2.6% of the total across the 53 salespeople, whose average is $143,019, and just 0.28% among all salespeople. . (MORE)

... has the 4th-most deals in the pipeline last quarter (11) of the 45 salespeople that don't do inside sales and whose sales territory is Central. Those 11 represent 5.8% of the total across the 45 salespeople, whose average is 4.2, and 0.45% among all salespeople. . (MORE)

... is the only salesperson in Mono, Ontario. (MORE)

Of the 84 salespeople whose sales territory is Central, Gavin Forsyth is one of just 5 whose primary market is Telecom. (MORE)