0644000-06037206300 in Los Angeles has the most adult obesity (48.1%) among all 5,368 California neighborhoods. That 48.1% compares to an average of 24.9%
and standard deviation of 6.0% across those 5,368 California neighborhoods.
Reaching the statewide average of 24.9% would imply a decrease of 1,749 obese adults over time, with an estimated saving of $161,346,688 based on a lifetime societal and public-health cost of $92,235 per obese adult (see References below).0644000-06037206300 has these related standings among all 5,368 California neighborhoods:
- adult obesity = 48.1% (the most)
- arthritis among adults = 31.5% (52nd-most)
- high blood pressure among adults = 51.8% (14th-most)
- coronary heart disease among adults = 12.6% (27th-most)
- diagnosed diabetes among adults = 26.9% (the most)
- adults with mental health not good for at least 14 days = 20.7% (33rd-most, tied)
- stroke among adults = 9.7% (3rd-most)