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Benchmarking Hale County in TX against  

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... has the 8th-lowest median rent for a 0-bedroom (studio/efficiency) unit ($467) of the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
... has the lowest median rent for a 0-bedroom (studio/efficiency) unit ($467) of the 58 counties in Texas with at least 16.7% of non-English speaking households. (MORE) 
... has the lowest median rent for a 1-bedroom unit ($592) of the 27 counties in Texas with at most 62.9% of owner-occupied housing. (MORE) 
... has the least male obesity (28.3%) among the 41 counties with at least a 96.7% proportion of veterans who are male and that are in the Southwest and are not high in natural amenities. (MORE) 
... has the lowest white non-Hispanic population (37.6%) among the 393 counties with at least 43.80% Evangelical Protestants (Hale County in TX is at 60.00%). (MORE) 
... has the 8th-highest difference in obesity prevalence among women over men (2.3%) among the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
... has the most Evangelical Protestants (60.00%) among the 208 counties with at least a 30.1% Hispanic population (Hale County in TX is at 55.9%). (MORE) 
In Texas with its 254 counties, Hale County in TX has the most religious adherents (92.30%) among the 121 counties (from those 254) with at least 19,970 in population in 2015 (Hale County in TX is at 34,360). (MORE) 
... has the most religious adherents (92.30%) among the 62 counties that are economically non-specialized and have at most a 37.6% white non-Hispanic population. (MORE) 

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