Counties » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Gregg County in TX against
Showing 13

... has the 6th-least land area (273.3 sq miles) of the 219 counties that are mining-dependent. (MORE)

... has the 8th-highest population in 2015 (124,108) of the 219 counties that are mining-dependent. Those 124,108 represent 1.1% of the total across the 219 counties, whose average is 50,882. . (MORE)

... has the 9th-most total domestic water use (10.30 Mgal/day) of the 219 counties that are mining-dependent. Those 10.30 Mgal/day represent 1.1% of the total across the 219 counties, whose average is 4.33 Mgal/day. . (MORE)

... has the 11th-highest black non-Hispanic population (19.8%) among the 219 counties that are mining-dependent. (MORE)

... has the 5th-most enrollees in a health plan through (4,892) of the 219 counties that are mining-dependent. Those 4,892 represent 1.1% of the total across the 219 counties, whose average is 2,281. . (MORE)

... has the most enrollees in a health plan through (4,892) of the 184 counties with at least 52.40% Evangelical Protestants (Gregg County in TX is at 52.80%). Those 4,892 represent 3.5% of the total across the 184 counties, whose average is 876.5. . (MORE)

... has the 6th-fewest residents employed in agriculture or other resource-based industries (6.4%) among the 93 counties in the Southwest that are mining-dependent. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-least owner-occupied housing (61.8%) among the 65 counties in Texas that are mining-dependent. (MORE)

... has the most religious adherents (81.70%) among all the 36 counties that contain a high-density urban area and are mining-dependent. (MORE)

... has the 11th-fewest Evangelical Lutherans (0.36%) among the 143 counties that are not high in natural amenities and are mining-dependent. (MORE)

... has the fewest residents employed in government (2.8%) among the 27 counties that are mining-dependent and have at least 12.5% of residents employed in manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the least land area (273.3 sq miles) of all the 41 counties in Texas that contain a high-density urban area and not high in natural amenities. (MORE)

... has the highest Asian population (1.1%) among the 21 counties that are mining-dependent and have at least 52.80% Evangelical Protestants. (MORE)