Counties » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Potter County in TX against
Showing 7

... has the lowest unemployment rate (3.4%) among the 80 counties with at most a 49.0% white non-Hispanic population and that are in the Southern states and contain a high-density urban area. (MORE)

In Texas with its 254 counties, Potter County in TX has the fewest residents employed in agriculture or other resource-based industries (1.7%) among the 166 counties (from those 254) with as low a European-born population (0.3%). (MORE)

... has the most non-English speaking households (17.7%) among the 90 counties that are economically non-specialized and have at least 50.20% Evangelical Protestants. (MORE)

... has the 10th-highest difference in obesity prevalence among women over men (1.2%) among the 75 counties in Texas that are economically non-specialized. (MORE)

In Texas with its 254 counties, Potter County in TX has the most total domestic water use per capita (105.9 gallons/day) of the 31 counties (from those 254) with at least 11.10 Mgal/day of total domestic water use (Potter County in TX is at 12.90 Mgal/day). (MORE)

In Texas with its 254 counties, Potter County in TX has the most residents employed in manufacturing (12.0%) among the 19 counties (from those 254) with as high a multi-racial population (3.0%). (MORE)

In Texas with its 254 counties, Potter County in TX has the most religious adherents (77.20%) among the 13 counties (from those 254) with as high an Asian population (3.9%). (MORE)