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Benchmarking Edwards County in TX against  

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... has the most non-English speaking households (19.3%) among the 224 counties that are not high in poverty and have at least 21.8% of its population age 65 or older. (MORE) 
... has the 2nd-most adults of age 65+ living alone (23.8%) among all the 3,143 counties. (MORE) 
... has the fewest residents employed in manufacturing (0.0%) among all the 3,143 counties. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-most owner-occupied housing (89.0%) among all the 3,143 counties. (MORE) 
... has the highest Hispanic population (51.3%) among the 2,889 counties with at least a 44.6% white non-Hispanic population (Edwards County in TX is at 47.3%). (MORE) 
... has the 7th-lowest population in 2015 (1,894) of the 405 counties that are federal/state government-dependent. (MORE) 
In the Southern states with their 1,422 counties, Edwards County in TX has the lowest population in 2015 (1,894) of the 288 counties (from those 1,422) with at least 54.5% of residents employed in services (Edwards County in TX is at 55.5%). (MORE) 
... has the fewest enrollees in a health plan through HealthCare.gov (99) of the 98 counties that are high in natural amenities and have at most 3.4% of residents employed in government. (MORE) 
... has the least total water usage for all purposes (0.91 Mgal/day) of the 23 counties that are high in natural amenities and have at most 1,894 in population in 2015. (MORE) 

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