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Benchmarking Victoria County in TX against  

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... has the highest Asian population (1.0%) among the 21 counties with at least a 43.9% Hispanic population and that don't have low employment and are mining-dependent. (MORE) 
... has the 10th-highest population in 2015 (92,382) of the 219 counties that are mining-dependent. Those 92,382 represent just 0.83% of the total across the 219 counties, whose average is 50,882.(MORE) 
... has the 10th-most enrollees in a health plan through HealthCare.gov (2,869) of the 219 counties that are mining-dependent. Those 2,869 represent just 0.64% of the total across the 219 counties, whose average is 2,281.(MORE) 
... has the 7th-fewest Mormons (0.49%) among the 219 counties that are mining-dependent. (MORE) 
... has the 12th-least owner-occupied housing (65.3%) among the 143 counties that are not high in natural amenities and are mining-dependent. (MORE) 
... has the 6th-most total domestic water use (7.70 Mgal/day) of the 65 counties in Texas that are mining-dependent. Those 7.70 Mgal/day represent just 1.6% of the total across the 65 counties, whose average is 7.51 Mgal/day.(MORE) 
... has the fewest residents employed in agriculture or other resource-based industries (6.5%) among the 31 counties that are mining-dependent and have at least a 43.9% Hispanic population. (MORE) 
... has the most Catholics (36.10%) among the 20 counties that are mining-dependent and have at most 6.5% residents employed in agriculture or other resource-based industries. (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-most Evangelical Lutherans (2.90%) among the 36 counties that contain a high-density urban area and are mining-dependent. (MORE) 

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