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Benchmarking Philadelphia County in PA against  

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... has the 10th-highest population in 2015 (1,567,442) of the 2,330 counties that are not high in natural amenities. Those 1,567,442 represent 0.8% of the total across the 2,330 counties, whose average is 83,884, and 0.49% among all counties.(MORE) 
... has the 7th-highest population in 2015 (1,567,442) of the 736 counties in the East Coast states. Those 1,567,442 represent 1.3% of the total across the 736 counties, whose average is 158,392, and 0.49% among all counties.(MORE) 
... has the highest Asian population (6.3%) among the 281 counties with at least a 32.0% black non-Hispanic population (Philadelphia County in PA is at 42.2%). (MORE) 
... has the 4th-highest population in 2015 (1,567,442) of the 178 Mid-Atlantic counties. Those 1,567,442 represent 3.2% of the total across the 178 counties, whose average is 276,297, and 0.49% among all counties.(MORE) 
In the East Coast states with their 736 counties, Philadelphia County in PA has the least total domestic water use per capita (51.00 gallons/day) of the 230 counties (from those 736) with at most 67.9% of owner-occupied housing (Philadelphia County in PA is at 52.9%). (MORE) 
... has the most enrollees in a health plan through HealthCare.gov (59,168) of all the 178 Mid-Atlantic counties. Those 59,168 represent 7.8% of the total across the 178 counties, whose average is 8,308, and 0.61% among all counties.(MORE) 
... has the highest population in 2015 (1,567,442) of all the 67 Pennsylvania counties. Those 1,567,442 represent 12.2% of the total across the 67 counties, whose average is 191,082, and 0.49% among all counties.(MORE) 
... has the fewest residents employed in agriculture or other resource-based industries (0.2%) among all the 67 Pennsylvania counties. (MORE) 
... has the most total domestic water use (80.00 Mgal/day) of all the 67 Pennsylvania counties. Those 80.00 Mgal/day represent 10.7% of the total across the 67 counties, whose average is 11.17 Mgal/day, and 0.29% among all counties.(MORE) 
... has the least total domestic water use per capita (51.00 gallons/day) of the 63 counties with at least 864,840 in population in 2015 (Philadelphia County in PA is at 1,567,442). (MORE) 
... has the highest black non-Hispanic population (42.2%) among the 42 counties with at least 1,024,198 in population in 2015 (Philadelphia County in PA is at 1,567,442). (MORE) 
... has the 9th-most residents employed in services (65.2%) among the 97 counties in the Mid Atlantic that are economically non-specialized. (MORE) 
... has the lowest Mexican-born population (0.9%) among the 30 counties with at least 1,288,126 in population in 2015 (Philadelphia County in PA is at 1,567,442). (MORE) 
... has the most female-headed family households (20.6%) among the 25 counties with at least 1,501,335 in population in 2015 (Philadelphia County in PA is at 1,567,442). (MORE) 
... has the most residents employed in government (6.3%) among the 24 counties with at least 1,501,587 in population in 2015 (Philadelphia County in PA is at 1,567,442). (MORE) 

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