Potter County in TX has the lowest unemployment rate (3.4%) among the 80 counties with at most a 49.0% white non-Hispanic population and that are in the Southern states and contain a high-density urban area. That 3.4% compares to an average of 6.3% across those 80 counties.
Potter County in TX has these related standings
among those 80 counties:
- unemployment rate = 3.4% (the lowest)
- change in unemployment rate over the last 8 years = -0.4% (3rd-lowest)
- change in unemployment rate over the last 4 years = -2.5% (11th-highest)
Only Potter County in TX is in that area
Potter County in TX has the lowest unemployment rate (3.4%) among the 80 counties with at most a 49.0% white non-Hispanic population and that are in the Southern states and contain a high-density urban area. That 3.4% compares to an average of 6.3% across those 80 counties.
after Potter County in TX (3.4%, 49.0%), closest are Bexar County in TX (3.8%, 30.3%), Prince William County in VA (4.1%, 48.7%), Victoria County in TX (4.1%, 47.9%), Manassas City in VA (4.1%, 47.6%), and Manassas Park City in VA (4.2%, 42.5%), ending with Lowndes County in AL (11.6%, 25.1%).
contain a high-density urban area. Classification of counties into metro or nonmetro. Metro areas include all counties containing one or more urbanized areas: high-density urban areas containing 50,000 people or more; metro areas also include outlying counties that are economically tied to the central counties, as measured by the share of workers commuting on a daily basis to the central counties. Nonmetro counties are outside the boundaries of metro areas and have no cities with 50,000 residents or more. Source: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/atlas-of-rural-and-small-town-america.aspx.
unemployment rate. Lower values are better. Unemployment rate, 2015. Source: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/atlas-of-rural-and-small-town-america.aspx.
white non-Hispanic population. Percent Non-Hispanic White, 2010. Source: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/atlas-of-rural-and-small-town-america.aspx.