Lincoln County in ME has the lowest deep-poverty rate (3.5%) among all the 16 Maine counties. That 3.5% compares to an average of 5.5% across those 16 counties.
Only Lincoln County in ME is in that area
Lincoln County in ME has the lowest deep-poverty rate (3.5%) among all the 16 Maine counties. That 3.5% compares to an average of 5.5% across those 16 counties.
beat York County in ME (3.9%), Sagadahoc County in ME (4.1%), Cumberland County in ME (4.5%), Oxford County in ME (4.7%), and Franklin County in ME (5.2%), and 10 others, ending with Piscataquis County in ME (6.8%).
deep-poverty rate. Lower values are better. Deep poverty rate for all ages, 2010-2014. Source: