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Benchmarking Kennebec County in ME against all counties


Kennebec County in ME has the 12th-least total domestic water use per capita (56.70 gallons/day) of the 196 counties in the East Coast states that are high in creative professions and not high in natural amenities. Those 56.70 gallons/day compare to an average of 71.47 gallons/day across the 196 counties.

Coming in under the average of 71.47 gallons/day corresponds to a decrease of 1,772,214 gallons/day daily water usage.

Note: total domestic water use per capita =
(1,000,000 * total water usage for all purposes) รท population in 2015

Kennebec County in ME has these standings among those 196 counties:

  • total domestic water use per capita = 56.70 gallons/day (12th-least)

  • total water usage for all purposes = 12.90 Mgal/day (56th-least, tied)

  • population in 2015 = 119,980 (75th-lowest)




outdone by Madison County in NY (33.40 gallons/day), Sagadahoc County in ME (48.40 gallons/day), Cumberland County in ME (49.70 gallons/day), and Philadelphia County in PA (51.00 gallons/day), and 7 others, ending with St. Mary's County in MD (56.50 gallons/day).

Incidentally, none of the 12 is a retirement destination. All 12 got worse or bottomed out on all the obesity and diabetes change metrics (4 of these; each county needs at least 3 with actual values to qualify). None of the 12 has lost population in the decade between the last two censuses. All 12 saw little change in natural-gas production.

outdid Worcester County in MA (56.90 gallons/day), Cumberland County in PA (57.20 gallons/day), Centre County in PA (57.30 gallons/day), Cobb County in GA (57.90 gallons/day), and Chester County in PA (58.00 gallons/day), and 179 others, ending with Montgomery County in MD (191.0 gallons/day).


  1. total domestic water use per capita. Estimated total domestic water use (withdrawals + deliveries) in gallons per day per capita, based on total domestic water use in 2010 (source: http://water.usgs.gov/watuse/data/2010/index.html) and total county population in 2015 (source: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/atlas-of-rural-and-small-town-america.aspx). To qualify for total domestic water use per capita, the number of population in 2015 must be at least 5,000.
  2. high in natural amenities. A high natural amenities county falls in the top quartile of counties ranked by the ERS natural amenities scale; the scale combines six measures of climate, topography, and water area that reflect environmental qualities most people prefer. Source: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/atlas-of-rural-and-small-town-america.aspx.
  3. high in creative professions. A 'yes' value is good. A creative class county falls in the top quartile of counties ranked by percent of employed persons 16 years old or older in occupations that involve 'thinking creatively.' This skill element is defined as developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions. Source: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/atlas-of-rural-and-small-town-america.aspx.