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Benchmarking Waller County, Texas against  

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... has the most jobs within a 45-minute commute by car (31,007) of the 112 counties with at most 0.55% of households that receive public-assistance income. Those 31,007 represent 19.5% of the total across the 112 counties, whose average is 1,418.(MORE) 
... has the most racial integration (49.00%) among all the 59 counties in Texas that are urban high-performing. (MORE) 
... has the 2nd-lowest population (51,307) of the 28 counties in Texas that are better than the nationwide employment averages in each of labor-force participation, job variety, job proximity, and new-business growth rate. Those 51,307 represent 0.26% of the total across the 28 counties, whose average is 697,983.(MORE) 
... has the fewest households that receive public-assistance income (0.55%) among the 1,738 counties with at least 21,746 in population (Waller County, Texas is at 51,307). (MORE) 
In Texas with its 254 counties, Waller County, Texas has the fewest primary-care doctors per 100,000 population (12.82) of the 96 counties (from those 254) with at least 28,570 in population (Waller County, Texas is at 51,307). (MORE) 

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