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Benchmarking Kendall County, Texas against  

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... has the 12th-lowest poverty rate (7.76%) among the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-highest natural amenities index (4.72) of the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 10th-fewest adults of age 18+ who smoke tobacco (12.86%) among the 379 Southwest counties. (MORE) 
... has the least adult diabetes (7.0%) among all the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
Of the 254 counties in Texas, Kendall County, Texas is one of just 3 that are better than the nationwide household averages in each of household income, homeownership, overcrowding, internet access, and home heating. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-fewest adults who did NOT take part in leisure-time physical activity or exercise in the past month (18.30%) among the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 2nd-fewest preventable hospital admissions per 100,000 population (2,945) of the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 5th-most population age 25+ with an Associate Degree or higher (48.25%) among the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
In Texas with its 254 counties, only Kendall County, Texas has both so few deaths due to drug overdose, alcohol, or suicide per 100,000 population (28.26) and such a low teenage birth rate (0%). (MORE) 

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