Counties » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Lampasas County, Texas against
Showing 4

... has the 9th-fewest newborns with low birth weight (6.20%) among the 254 Texas counties. (MORE)

... is the only one of 43 Texas counties that are urban up-and-coming which also is better than the nationwide black/hispanic disparity averages in each of income, pollution exposure, and premature death. (MORE)

..., along with Washington County, Texas, are the only two counties in Texas that are urban up-and-coming and are better than the nationwide household averages in each of household income, homeownership, overcrowding, housing costs, and home heating. (MORE)

... has the 12th-highest population (21,027) of the 28 counties in the Southwest that are better than the nationwide household averages in each of household income, homeownership, overcrowding, housing costs, and home heating. Those 21,027 represent just 3.0% of the total across the 28 counties, whose average is 24,830. . (MORE)