Counties » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Collin County, Texas against
Showing 17

... has the 12th-highest population (969,603) of the 660 counties that are better than the nationwide public-safety averages in each of traffic fatalities, drinking water, toxic-chemical exposure, and flood hazard. Those 969,603 represent 1.1% of the total across the 660 counties, whose average is 139,844, and 0.3% among all counties. . (MORE)

... has the 6th-highest population (969,603) of the 426 counties that are better than the nationwide household averages in each of household income, overcrowding, internet access, and home heating. Those 969,603 represent 1.3% of the total across the 426 counties, whose average is 169,546, and 0.3% among all counties. . (MORE)

... has the 4th-highest median household income ($84,735) of the 379 Southwest counties. (MORE)

... has the most population age 25+ with an Associate Degree or higher (57.26%) among all the 254 Texas counties. (MORE)

... has the 4th-fewest adults of age 18+ who smoke tobacco (12.59%) among the 254 Texas counties. (MORE)

... has the 4th-highest labor-force participation (71.70%) among the 254 Texas counties. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-most tax returns that claim adult education tax credits (7.03%) among the 254 Texas counties. (MORE)

... has the 6th-highest average weekly wage ($1,207) of the 254 Texas counties. (MORE)

... has the most jobs within a 45-minute commute by car (179,147) of the 203 counties with at most 0.82% of households that receive public-assistance income. Those 179,147 represent 24.6% of the total across the 203 counties, whose average is 3,594, and 0.32% among all counties. . (MORE)

Only Collin County, Texas has both so many jobs within a 45-minute commute by car (179,147) and such a high new-business growth rate (14.69%). (MORE)

... has the fewest households where housing costs (mortgage or rent and utilities) exceed 30% of household income (27.61%) among the 50 counties with at least 969,603 in population. (MORE)

... has the highest new-business growth rate (14.69%) among the 50 counties with at least 969,603 in population. (MORE)

... has the lowest relative disparity in pollution exposure among blacks, hispanics, and other, compared to whites (1.73) of the 50 counties with at least 969,603 in population. (MORE)

... has the most 4th-grade students who are proficient in English Language Arts (84.77%) among the 50 counties with at least 969,603 in population. (MORE)

... has the fewest households that receive public-assistance income (0.82%) among the 278 counties with at least 242,874 in population (Collin County, Texas is at 969,603). (MORE)

... has the fewest households with no vehicle (2.70%) among the 83 counties with at least 771,158 in population (Collin County, Texas is at 969,603). (MORE)

... has the 8th-highest population (969,603) of the 379 Southwest counties. Those 969,603 represent 2.3% of the total across the 379 counties, whose average is 109,076, and 0.3% among all counties. . (MORE)