Counties » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Deschutes County, Oregon against
Showing 8

... has the 2nd-fewest adults who self-report fair or poor general health within the last 30 days (12.95%) among the 36 Oregon counties. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-highest natural amenities index (6.10) of the 36 Oregon counties. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-least adult obesity (23.70%) among the 36 Oregon counties. (MORE)

... has the 4th-fewest days per month that adults self-report 'not good' mental health (4.07) of the 36 Oregon counties. (MORE)

... has the 5th-fewest adults who did NOT take part in leisure-time physical activity or exercise in the past month (13.10%) among the 184 Far West counties. (MORE)

... has the least adult diabetes (6.6%) among all the 36 Oregon counties. (MORE)

... has the fewest households in a FEMA-designated flood hazard area (0.63%) among all the 36 Oregon counties. (MORE)

... has the 7th-fewest preventable hospital admissions per 100,000 population (2,131) of the 46 counties in the Far West that are urban high-performing. (MORE)