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Benchmarking Irion County, Texas against  

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... has the 10th-highest new-business growth rate (24.49%) among all the 3,142 counties. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-most 4th-grade students who are proficient in English Language Arts (90.00%) among the 1,421 counties in the Southern states. (MORE) 
... has the 5th-lowest population (1,516) of the 730 counties that are better than the nationwide crime averages in each of homicides, property crime, and violent crime. (MORE) 
... has the 11th-lowest population (1,516) of the 445 counties that are better than the nationwide household averages in each of household income, homeownership, overcrowding, and housing costs. (MORE) 
... has the 2nd-most 4th-grade students who are proficient in English Language Arts (90.00%) among the 379 Southwest counties. (MORE) 
... has the lowest population (1,516) of all the 261 counties that are better than the nationwide public-safety averages in each of traffic fatalities, drinking water, airborne cancer risk, air quality, toxic-chemical exposure, and flood hazard. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-lowest relative disparity in unemployment rates among the disabled, compared to the total population (0.37%) among the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-highest average weekly wage ($1,238) of the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
... has the 7th-lowest chronic health risk from exposure to toxic chemicals (0.01) of the 254 Texas counties. (MORE) 
... has the most jobs within a 45-minute commute by car (2,102) of the 63 counties with at most 1,516 in population. Those 2,102 represent 12.1% of the total across the 63 counties, whose average is 275.2.(MORE) 
... has the highest average weekly wage ($1,238) of the 63 counties with at most 1,516 in population. (MORE) 
... has the 3rd-lowest population (1,516) of the 76 counties in the Southwest that are better than the nationwide employment averages in each of labor-force participation, civilian unemployment, and new-business growth rate. (MORE) 
In the Southern states with their 1,421 counties, only Irion County, Texas has both such a low risk of developing serious respiratory complications per 10,000 in population (0.63) and such a low chronic health risk from exposure to toxic chemicals (0.01). (MORE) 
... has the fewest older adults (Medicare beneficiaries) who are diagnosed with depression (7.76%) among the 16 counties that are in the Southern states and have at most 1,516 in population. (MORE) 
... has the 8th-most public-school spending per student ($50,152) of all the 3,142 counties. (MORE) 

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