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Benchmarking Wake County, North Carolina against  

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... has the fewest adults who self-report fair or poor general health within the last 30 days (13.02%) among all the 100 North Carolina counties. (MORE) 
... has the fewest days per month that adults self-report 'not good' mental health (3.12) of all the 100 North Carolina counties. (MORE) 
... has the 4th-least adult obesity (24.50%) among the 100 North Carolina counties. (MORE) 
... has the 5th-lowest poverty rate (11.30%) among the 100 North Carolina counties. (MORE) 
... has the most population age 25+ with an Associate Degree or higher (57.15%) among the 361 counties with at most $9,117 in public-school spending per student. (MORE) 
... has the fewest adults of age 18+ who smoke tobacco (13.82%) among all the 100 North Carolina counties. (MORE) 
... has the highest median household income ($67,309) of all the 100 North Carolina counties. (MORE) 
... has the most tax returns that claim adult education tax credits (7.10%) among all the 100 North Carolina counties. (MORE) 
... has the most land area covered by tree canopy, weighted by population (51.54%) among the 41 counties with at least 1,072,203 in population. (MORE) 
... has the lowest relative disparity in pollution exposure among blacks, hispanics, and other, compared to whites (2.08) of the 41 counties with at least 1,072,203 in population. (MORE) 
... has the fewest households with no vehicle (4.42%) among the 49 counties with at least 970,637 in population (Wake County, North Carolina is at 1,072,203). (MORE) 
On the East Coast with its 735 counties, Wake County, North Carolina has the least public-school spending per student ($9,117) of the 42 counties (from those 735) with at least 691,643 in population (Wake County, North Carolina is at 1,072,203). (MORE) 
... has the 8th-highest population (1,072,203) of the 1,063 Southeast counties. Those 1,072,203 represent 1.3% of the total across the 1,063 counties, whose average is 78,754, and 0.33% among all counties.(MORE) 

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