Counties » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Nelson County, Kentucky against
Showing 6

... has the fewest preventable hospital admissions per 100,000 population (3,617) of all the 120 Kentucky counties. (MORE)

Of the 120 counties in Kentucky, Nelson County, Kentucky is one of just 9 that are better than the nationwide household averages in each of household income, homeownership, and home heating. (MORE)

... has the 12th-highest labor-force participation (64.72%) among the 120 Kentucky counties. (MORE)

... has the 12th-least population without health insurance (9.09%) among the 120 Kentucky counties. (MORE)

... has the 10th-fewest homicides per 100,000 population (2.860) of the 120 Kentucky counties. (MORE)

... has the 4th-least population without nearby access to a large grocery store (3.74%) among the 21 counties in Kentucky that are urban high-performing. (MORE)