Fayette County, Texas has the 5th-fewest deaths due to drug overdose, alcohol, or suicide per 100,000 population (22.73) of the 379 Southwest counties. That 22.73 compares to an average of 47.73
and standard deviation of 17.80 across those 379 counties.
Beating the average of 47.73 means a decrease of 6.30 deaths.
Fayette County, Texas has these related standings
among those 379 peer counties:
- deaths due to drug overdose, alcohol, or suicide per 100,000 population = 22.73 (5th-fewest)
- older adults (Medicare beneficiaries) who are diagnosed with depression = 12.69% (62nd-fewest)
- days per month that adults self-report 'not good' mental health = 3.35 (58th-fewest, tied)