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Benchmarking Weld County, Colorado against all counties


Of the 64 counties in Colorado, Weld County, Colorado is one of just 7 that are better than the nationwide employment averages in each of labor-force participation, civilian unemployment, job variety, job proximity, and new-business growth rate.

Weld County, Colorado has these standings among those 64 peer counties plus nationwide comparisons:

  • labor-force participation = 67.59% (25th-highest, tied)
    the nationwide average is 58.82%

  • civilian labor-force unemployment = 3.4% (26th-highest, tied)
    the nationwide average is 5.3%

  • variety of industries among available jobs = 0.70 (17th-greatest, tied)
    the nationwide average is 0.65

  • jobs within a 45-minute commute by car = 35,812 (9th-most)
    the nationwide average is 17,817

  • new-business growth rate = 13.59% (11th-highest)
    the nationwide average is 8.69%


with Denver County, Colorado, Arapahoe County, Colorado, Jefferson County, Colorado, and Adams County, Colorado, and 2 others.

Taking Action

Insert recommendations for community action or improvement, based on the highlighted measures and their comparative outcomes, and optionally dependent on a specified geography or other attribute.


  1. are better than the nationwide employment averages in. Bigger sets are better. (1) The average nationwide value of labor-force participation is 58.82%, so better is above that. Percentage of civilian population that is in the labor force, whether employed or unemployed. Source is the 2015 Census. (2) The average nationwide value of civilian unemployment (civilian labor-force unemployment) is 5.3%, so better is below that. Source is the 2015 Census. (3) The average nationwide value of job variety (variety of industries among available jobs) is 0.65, so better is above that. Job variety ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 reflects the least variety. Source is the 2015 Census. (4) The average nationwide value of job proximity (jobs within a 45-minute commute by car) is 17,817, so better is above that. Source is the EPA, 2010. (5) The average nationwide value of new-business growth rate is 8.69%, so better is above that. New businesses as a percentage share of total businesses at the start of the year. Source is the 2013-2014 Census.