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Benchmarking Marshall County, Kansas against all counties


Marshall County, Kansas has the 3rd-most 4th-grade students who are proficient in English Language Arts (80.44%) among the 105 Kansas counties. That 80.44% compares to an average of 54.42% and standard deviation of 12.90% across those 105 counties.

Marshall County, Kansas has these related standings among those 105 peer counties:

  • 4th-grade students who are proficient in English Language Arts = 80.44% (3rd-most)

  • pre-school enrollment = 64.16% (9th-highest)

  • tax returns that claim adult education tax credits = 3.26% (20th-most)

  • youth of ages 16-19 who are neither working nor enrolled in school = 2.84% (33rd-most, tied)

  • high-school graduation rate = 89.06% (52nd-highest)

  • population age 25+ with an Associate Degree or higher = 24.71% (10th-least, tied)

  • youth who live within 5 miles of a public school = 73.11% (35th-fewest)

  • public-school spending per student = $11,445 (20th-least)




beat out by Nemaha County, Kansas (88.93%) and Ellsworth County, Kansas (83.35%).

Incidentally, all 3 are rural high-performing.

beat Anderson County, Kansas (76.64%), Kiowa County, Kansas (74.90%), Sheridan County, Kansas (73.13%), and Johnson County, Kansas (71.71%), and 98 others, ending with Sherman County, Kansas (7.71%).

Taking Action

Insert recommendations for community action or improvement, based on the highlighted measures and their comparative outcomes, and optionally dependent on a specified geography or other attribute.


  1. 4th-grade students who are proficient in English Language Arts. Higher values are better. 4th-grade students who reach 'proficient' or above in the English Language Arts standardized test. Source is Department of Education, 2014-2015.