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Benchmarking Schley County, Georgia against all counties


Schley County, Georgia has the 4th-fewest preventable hospital admissions per 100,000 population (3,369) of the 159 Georgia counties. That 3,369 compares to an average of 4,836 and standard deviation of 971.7 across those 159 counties.

Beating the average of 4,836 means a decrease of 76.5 preventable hospital admissions.

Schley County, Georgia has these related standings among those 159 peer counties:

  • preventable hospital admissions per 100,000 population = 3,369 (4th-fewest)

  • cancer among older adults = 7.88% (29th-most)

  • heart disease among older adults = 28.15% (53rd-most)

Note that preventable hospital admissions per 100,000 population correlates (0.51) with heart disease among older adults. But on the latter, Schley County, Georgia (with 28.15%) is higher (i.e., worse) than the median (26.56%) of those 159 counties.




beat out by Fayette County, Georgia (2,998), Union County, Georgia (3,216), and Chattahoochee County, Georgia (3,303).

beat Coweta County, Georgia (3,433), Carroll County, Georgia (3,435), Henry County, Georgia (3,498), and Towns County, Georgia (3,516), and 151 others, ending with Quitman County, Georgia (9,684).

Taking Action

Insert recommendations for community action or improvement, based on the highlighted measures and their comparative outcomes, and optionally dependent on a specified geography or other attribute.


  1. preventable hospital admissions per 100,000 population. Lower values are better. Hospital admissions for preventable conditions (e.g., asthma, diabetes, dehydration, pneumonia) per 100,000 population. Source is Centers for Medicare & Medicaid, 2015. The population estimate is from the 2017 Census.