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Benchmarking Fellowship of Christian Athletes Retirement/401(K) Plan in Kansas City, MO against
... has the highest average account balance ($36,365) of the 306 plans with at least 2,337 active participants. (MORE)

... is the only one of 125 plans whose economic sector is Other Services (except Public Administration) which is better than the overall plan medians in each of total income, net income, participant loans as a percentage of plan assets, yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets, and diversity of asset types (5 total). (MORE)

... has the 6th-highest net income ($14,214,641) of the 73 plans whose industry group is Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations. (MORE)

Of the 50 plans within 50 miles, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Retirement/401(K) Plan in Kansas City, MO is one of just 3 that are better than the overall plan medians in each of total income, net income, participant loans as a percentage of plan assets, yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets, and diversity of asset types (5 total). (MORE)

... has the 9th-highest net income ($14,214,641) of the 50 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 11th-highest yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets (15.05%) among the 50 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 4th-highest total income ($20,916,270) of the 50 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 7th-least participant loans as a percentage of plan assets (0.55%) among the 37 plans in Missouri that have 1,000 to 4,999 total participants. (MORE)

... has the 4th-most net assets (assets minus liabilities) ($92.70M) of the 50 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 5th-most active participants (2,337) of the 50 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 10th-highest value of interest in common/collective trusts ($77,926,162) of the 1,232 plans that are not collectively-bargained and have 1,000 to 4,999 total participants. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-highest value of interest in common/collective trusts ($77,926,162) of the 447 Plains plans. (MORE)

... has the highest value of interest in common/collective trusts ($77,926,162) of all the 125 plans whose economic sector is Other Services (except Public Administration). (MORE)

... has the 7th-most living participants (2,547) of the 248 plans in the Plains that provide for automatic enrollment. (MORE)

... has the highest value of interest in common/collective trusts ($77,926,162) of all the 95 Missouri plans. (MORE)

... has the 6th-most total participants (2,550) of the 50 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

..., along with Ctos, LLC 401(K) Plan in Kansas City, MO, are the only two Missouri plans whose economic sector is Other Services (except Public Administration). (MORE)

... is the only one of 21 plans in Kansas City, MO whose industry group is Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations. (MORE)