Plans » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Radiology of Huntsville, P.C. 401(K) Retirement Plan and Trust in Huntsville, AL against
... has the 9th-lowest total administrative expense per participant (-$193.56) of the 2,432 plans that don't provide for automatic enrollment. (MORE)

... has the 12th-lowest total administrative expense per participant (-$193.56) of the 4,464 plans that are covered by a fidelity bond and are a single-employer plan. (MORE)

... has the 11th-lowest total administrative expense per participant (-$193.56) of the 3,915 plans that are profit-sharing and not collectively-bargained. (MORE)

... has the 4th-lowest total administrative expense per participant (-$193.56) of the 867 Southeast plans. (MORE)

... has the 10th-fewest total participants (124) of the 543 plans that are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per total participant, average account balance, active-participant contributions per head, and total administrative expense per participant (4 total). (MORE)

... incurs the lowest total administrative expenses (-$24,002) of all the 489 plans whose economic sector is Health Care and Social Assistance. (MORE)

... incurs the 2nd-lowest total administrative expenses (-$24,002) of the 53 Alabama plans. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-highest average account balance ($504,834) of the 53 Alabama plans. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-lowest total administrative expense ratio (-0.038%) among the 53 Alabama plans. (MORE)

... has the 4th-highest net income per total participant ($48,991) of the 53 Alabama plans. (MORE)

Of the 53 plans in Alabama, Radiology of Huntsville, P.C. 401(K) Retirement Plan and Trust in Huntsville, AL is one of just 5 that are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per total participant, average account balance, active-participant contributions per head, and total administrative expense per participant (4 total). (MORE)

... has the lowest total administrative expense ratio (-0.038%) among the 32 plans with at most 121 living participants. (MORE)

... has the highest average account balance ($504,834) of all the 12 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the lowest other administrative expenses (-$24,002) of all the 286 plans whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)

... has the lowest other administrative expenses (-$24,002) of the 40 plans with at most 124 total participants. (MORE)

... is one of just 12 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 5th-highest percentage of active participants (87.9%) among the 70 plans in the Southeast whose industry group is Offices of Physicians. (MORE)